Get Gulled

This project was part of a Collaborative Project class. A team of 16 students created an animated film. My roles included producer, clean-up animator, and compositor for the film.


It was a sunny day at the beach, filled with the sounds of crashing waves, children’s laughter, and distant seagulls. A little girl eagerly stood by a food truck, her eyes wide with anticipation as she watched her sandwich being prepared. Her face lit up with joy as she took the wrapped sandwich from the vendor.

Nearby, a sharp-eyed seagull perched on a long electric pole, searching for its next meal. Spotting the girl walking away with her sandwich, the seagull locked its beady eyes on her. She settled on a boardwalk railing facing the ocean, savoring the sandwich’s aroma. Just as she leaned in for her first bite, the seagull swooped down and snatched it from her hands. The girl, biting into empty air, tumbled forward into the sand.

Seeing the seagull triumphantly clutching her sandwich, she screamed in anger and scrambled to chase it across the beach. She grabbed a shovel next to a boy’s sandcastle, threw it at the seagull, but missed. Distracted by its own laughter, the seagull crashed into a signpost and dropped the sandwich.

As the seagull landed upside down and the sandwich fell nearby, a seal, intrigued by the commotion, flopped onto the shore and began eating the sandwich. The girl and the seagull, ready to battle for the sandwich, paused at the sound of munching. They watched in dismay as the seal finished the sandwich, burped contentedly, and dove back into the ocean.

Defeated, the girl and the seagull sat down and gazed at the setting sun. After a moment, the girl’s anger resurfaced, and she slapped the seagull on the head, sending it face down into the sand.

Stills From the Film