
“Fate” is a story about a middle-aged woman who is obsessed with astrology and lottery, believing her fate is sealed when a series of unlucky events occur after she mistakenly uses the wrong lottery numbers. However, her luck takes a surprising turn when she wins $10,000, teaching her that life’s ups and downs are not dictated by the stars but by chance.

Character 1 – The Lady

Shape Exploration

Shape Breakdown

Clothing Exploration

Color Exploration

Hero Pose and Action Poses

Character Turnaround



To create a distinct visual language in the story, I planned to use different color palettes to represent various times of the day. Morning scenes would be bathed in yellow, signifying the warmth and freshness of the start of the day. Afternoon scenes would shift to an orange hue, reflecting the intensity and energy of midday. Evening scenes would transition to a calming blue, complemented by light yellow lights to capture the fading daylight. For scenes where the electricity is cut off due to bad weather, the environment would be rendered in a deep blue, emphasizing the darkness and isolation caused by the power outage. This color strategy effectively enhances the mood and atmosphere of each scene in the story.

Interior – House – Establishing Shot

Interior – House – Perspective 1

Interior – House – Perspective 2

